
We have an anchor...

This is the link to the Popular Mechanics article that debunks all of the current conspiracy theories surrounding 9-11. It can be a hysterical world out there folks and sometimes the nut cases have hold of the world's microphone and don't want to let go.

But the old hymn says:

We have an anchor, that keeps the soul
Steadfast and firm while the billows roll
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move
Grounded sure and deep in the Savior's love.

As I've stated before there seems to be only two ways to live. Follow Christ or descend in to some kind of madness. As crazy as I am sometimes I'm still sane enough to choose the former to avoid the latter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to agree. Left to itself my imagination ranges along many unedifying paths, all very intellectually tempting but as Richard Rolle says, "If thou think 'Jesus' continually and hold it stably, it purges thy sin and kindles thy heart; it clarifies thy soul".